… a software platform and framework that guides your sustainability strategy, collects, tracks and measures data and emissions, automates ESG reporting and develops actionable improvement plans.

the spiral

The Methodology

Our Live, Buy, Design, methodology covers the breadth of Environmental, Social and Governance topics. It is a map to sustainable performance and sets out how you can work the GRID for each journey.

Live Better in the business operations for greater productivity and reduced emissions

Buy Better from the suppliers for a more resilient and responsible supply chain

Design Better for my customers for sustainable products and services

Work the GRID to Net Zero.

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The Framework

Future Planet GRID crafts a sustainability strategy for you, tailored to your business and industry, designed to help you reach your Sustainability goals as fast and efficiently as possible. It has four key components that together take you from strategy to results.

GUIDE: Develop a Sustainable Business Strategy

GRID | GUIDE is a streamlined, insight-driven approach to discover the right sustainability strategy, with priority topics for your company and compliant with ESG frameworks.

Your sustainability strategy should have a foundation based in science. Infused with more than 20,000 data points, GRID Guide knows what is happening in your industry, the related ESG frameworks, and the material sustainable topics that matter.

It helps you uncover risks and opportunities and provides a structure informed by the Sustainable Development Goals, GRI, TCFD and CSRD.

Guide Screen
REPORT: Data Collection and Reporting

GRID | REPORT automates ESG report generation, extracting ESG directly from the data, applying CO2e emissions, and social considerations, with smart disclosure text for instant reports.

It all starts with the data you collect. Once you have decided on your ESG topics, GRID knows the data you need to collect, how that data maps to various ESG frameworks, and the related ESG disclosures.

Because the software knows that different regions can have different CO2 emission factors, it can be easily configured to provide an overall, or regional carbon footprint report.

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IMPROVE: Assess and Improve

GRID | IMPROVE is like Google Maps for Sustainability. Based on your company’s readiness, or level of maturity, for each topic, it advises how to go from the current position to your goal, identifying the relevant ESG metrics that you need to track measure.

Sustainability spans a broad set of topics, and it can be difficult to have the institutional knowledge to measure your baseline, understand the “gap to good” or chart a path to get to the next level. GRID has the knowledge, and it provides a collaborative framework to bring all team members on the journey.  More engagement, more knowledge, more progress.

Improve Screen
DELIVER: Data Collection and Reporting

GRID | DELIVER is a collaboration, communication and analytics hub for sustainability. It governs sustainable initiatives, organises and enables employees, and tracks and updates ESG metrics.

To future proof your business, sustainable performance will need to be part of how you do business. That can’t be solved with external consultants or advisors alone. GRID weaves sustainable practices into the texture of your business,. It provides dynamic action plans and guidance to all team members, and an easy mechanism to track Environment, Social and Governance alongside your economic activity.

Deliver Screen

Start where you are today. Deliver results in 90 days. Work the GRID™